London Permaculture Festival 2013: Our stall & workshop experience...

...A really fulfilling day at the London Permaculture festival yesterday, with many good conversations and connections around the stall. 

The workshop we facilitated titled Islam, Sufism & the Permaculture Approach was more popular than expected, with well over 60 people participating. 


After a short introduction, I invited the participants to introduce themselves to each other in pairs; we then participated in some zhikr with light percussion followed by a short period of silence;

Afetr, we explored relations between the self/individual, the community, nature, the economy, and the Divine all from an Islamic perspective.

The photo is of the flipchart which captures key ideas shared by the group.

We then reflected together on the key emphasis/qualities of Sufism in relation to Islam (a BIG question!). 

We then considered how the permaculture ethics (earth care, people care and fair shares) as well as several permaculture principles and a Permaculture placement tool relate to Islam & Sufism

The participants comprised a good handful of Muslims dotted around the room amongst people of diverse beliefs.

The diversity helped draw out a number of key themes that enriched the sharing. There were wonderful contributions, and much learning for all of us. 

Gratitude to all who attended, and to the organisers of the wonderful festival.

We look forward to further collaborations with at least some of the wonderful people we connected with...