Permaculture & Sufism: A Return to the Natural Patterning (Sat 20th Sept, 2014)

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“The speech of water, the speech of earth, and the speech of mud
Are apprehended by the sense of them that have hearts”
Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi: Mathnawi 1.3279

 A 1-Day Course in London.
Date: Sat 20th Sept 2014
Venue: The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow, London, E177HA.

A short course exploring the ethics and practical tools of Permaculture, the coherence of Islamic Sufism, and the relationship between the two.

This event is a collaboration between Wisdom In Nature and the Inclusive Mosque Initiative with support from Rumi’s Cave.