Radical Healing, Wholeness and Islam: Transforming Emotional Pain (FREE E-Book)

Wholesome Communities and Our Emotions

"...and that it is He alone who causes [you] to laugh and to weep" - Qur’an 53:43


One of the capacities we need to cultivate in the creation of just, wholesome communities is the capacity to work consciously with our inner experiences.

Our inner experiences, especially the emotional aspects, can be unpredictable and uncomfortable. When turbulent, our emotions can feel quite at odds with what we might consider to be ‘spiritual’.

Yet, feelings of hurt, anger, rage, despair, anxiety, loss, and frustration, for instance, all feel real. They can also hold alot of power and influence.

Ignoring turbulent emotions is not a very effective solution - at least not in the long term. The emotions we push away, or distract ourselves from, will continue to play a role in the background. They may end up running the show behind the scenes and may even sabotage our plans.

Thus, it isn't by ignoring emotions, but by consciously acknowledging and fully experiencing them, that we as individuals and as a society can truly heal. It is through this kind of deep, radical work as a foundation that we take ownership of our inner parts and become more integrated human beings and communities.

This inner work is part and parcel of the outer work. The two are ultimately inseparable.  


Current Times and Healing

For many, our current time of instability is adding to the importance and value of emotional healing work. We need to be equipped to take care of ourselves and one another more deeply.

We've been having occasional conversations about emotions, inner work, ritual, healing, and so forth within WiN. We've been reflecting on how we can gradually bring it more explicitly into our work, so it is more fully integrated into the way we engage. 


Radical Healing, Wholeness and Islam 

Related to this topic, recently, WiN Rep (Dr) Muzammal Hussain who is also a medically trained doctor (with a background in NHS psychiatry over more than 12 years) as well as an experienced Emotional Healing Journey therapist and Coach, has written and produced an E-Book - available for free.

In his book, he shares aspects of his personal and professional work exploring the emotional realm through the Journeywork approach, and in the context of Islam and healing. 

The E-Book is called:

Radical Healing, Wholeness and Islam ~
An Introductory Narrative on Transforming Emotional Pain Through Journeywork


Readers Comments:

“I found the e-book so interesting that I read it from start to finish without stopping... Clear and fascinating!"

"I was deeply moved by your personal experience... in fact there were a few occasions throughout the book where tears formed in my eyes!"

You can download the E-Book for FREE right now (or read as a multi-part blog post) 

(The link is on an external website to WiN's)

The E-Book touches on topics such as:

- The Prophet Mohammad and the feeling of emotions;
- The soul and what it is wanting;
- Accessing Ruh (Spirit) through facing and embracing our emotions;
- Safely releasing deep-rooted emotional baggage / processing traumatic memories;
- The missing piece for forgiveness to be real;
- Introduction to a map of our core ego-driven fears keepng us trapped;
- The Individual and beyond (activism and change-making), including spiritual/inner and outer bypassing

The book will be illuminating to many individuals, including anyone experiencing emotional distress whether anxiety, depression, loss, uncertainty, relationship tension, feeling a lack of wholeness, or a physical condition, who are looking for deep healing work that includes the spiritual dimension.

Download from here


Interviews or Podcasts focusing on the E-Book/emotional healing work

Muzammal is available for potential interviews/podcasts related to his work and E-book, and for this would best be contacted via his therapy website using one of the links above.


Onwards for WiN

At WiN, we hope to further draw in the inner dimension and healing in our conversations and activities as we go. 

We hope you can join us along the way, and if you have any questions, or wish to share any ideas or comments, feel free to drop us a short note.



“This E-book is essential reading for anyone interested in emotional healing and spirituality. It is also relevant to any Muslim looking for a radical healing approach that aligns to an Islamic model of the soul. Equally, it will be illuminating to individuals experiencing emotional distress whether anxiety, depression, loss, uncertainty, relationship tension, feeling a lack of wholeness,or a physical condition, who are looking for deep healing work that includes the spiritual dimension.

Centred on Journey therapy, and written by a medical doctor who is also an experienced therapist, Dr Muzammal Hussain grounds his writing in his own experiences as well as those of his clients while touching on basic concepts of Islamic spirituality.

The result is a compelling and captivating read that will complement some of the more academic contributions in the field of Islamic psychology and emotional healing.”

Download the E-Book on Islamic spirituality, Journey therapy and Wholeness, written by a Muslim doctor 


Readers Comments

“I found the e-book so interesting that I read it from start to finish without stopping... Clear and fascinating!"

"I was deeply moved by your personal experience... in fact there were a few occasions throughout the book where tears formed in my eyes!"