Photos and Rumi Reading Video from ‘Muslims Walk, Listen, Talk’ Brighton

In the summer of 2022, Wisdom In Nature organised an in-person outing in Brighton, East Sussex for Muslims and friends to walk, listen, talk and eat together. The outing included a walk through grass and woodland, partly in collective silence, with opportunities to converse with fellow participants.

The conversations happened informally, and there was also a facilitated small group exercise to support participants to get to know each other near the start.

During a short pause within the walk, we formed a circle to hear a reading of a Rumi piece (see video below). There was also a shared picnic at the end.

Scroll down to View Event Photos, and to watch the video recording of the Rumi reading!

Wisdom In Nature
Islamic Ecology - Permaculture - Inclusive Leadership
Five Strand Activism Model

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Enjoy a collection of photos capturing our day

Click on the Photo to move to the next one in the gallery!

The event’s walk leader/facilitator was (Dr) Muzammal Hussain, (Wisdom In Nature), and the co-leader/co-facilitator was Valentina Maccario (Wisdom In Nature)

Rumi reading: Watch the Short video

Enjoy a short Rumi reading by one of our attendees, Ayesha Powell…

We hope you enjoyed the photos and short video above!

This event was intended for adults keen to connect meaningfully with nature and each other.

We welcomed those interested in cultivating conscious collaborative communities at this time of fragmentation and ecological and social crises.

The event was open to Muslims and adults of any faith and belief with whom the event resonates.

Thank you to everyone who attended and shared this space with us.

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